When I set out to compile every Wii U bundle available, I thought the task would be pretty easy. And it was. That is, until I started digging in to the limited edition controllers and accessories.

It turns out the old adage “If you put ‘Mario’ on it, they will buy it” certainly is holding true for the Wii u, as our favorite plumber is not only featured on 4 of the 9 Wii U bundles but also has several lines of controllers from Nintendo, HORI, and PDP that are based in the Mario franchise (Link and Samus get some love too, but not like this).

One reason I make these lists of bundles though, is because I like to see all the shiny custom paint jobs featuring each platform’s most popular and historic IP.# For me, video games are not just about the games themselves, they’re about the whole package, and a uniquely designed console or controller is always going to get my attention. Even if doesn’t directly enhance my gameplay, I’ll always appreciate a well-designed piece of gaming hardware.

Also see: PS4 BundlesXbox One Bundles



Wii U Bundles

Wii Remote Plus Controllers

Wii Nunchuk Controllers

Wii U Pro Controller

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Accessories

HORI Battle Pads

PDP Wired Fight Pads


Happy hunting! If you have any questions, you can reach me on Twitter @joecorbett